Responsible Body
The responsible body of the DSL is the German School Association, a registered association under English company law. Its members are primarily pupils' parents, but external persons can also join in accordance with the statutes.
The association is managed by an honorary board, which is elected at the annual general meeting. We cordially invite all DSL families and external interested parties to become members of the school association. If you are interested to find out more or if you have any questions, please contact Ingrid Renshawe, PA of the Board of Directors or Matthias Krauss, the representative of the Board of Directors and Commercial Director of the DSL, directly.

Matthias Krauss
Representative of the Board, Commercial Director, Member of all Committees
Ingrid Renshawe
PA to Head Teacher, Commercial Director, BoardThe Board of the German School Association

Jan Peter Weiland
Chair of Board
Paula Walter
Chair IT-Committee
Kai-Uwe Karl
Chair Governance Committee / Chair SEN Committee
Jan Hoffman
Chair Health and Safety Committee, Member of Personnel Committee
Guido Kirschner
Chair of the Marketing & Communications Committee
Cara Williams
Chair Personnel Committee
Felix von Schubert
Chair of Finance Committee
Caroline Cartellieri Karlsen
Member Finance ComitteeThe Board Committees

How does the board of the school association work?
The board members meets regularly, with representatives of other school bodies (Parents' Council, Friends of Douglas House) and the German Embassy also attending. Board members, school management, DSL staff and external volunteers work continuously on specific areas of responsibility in designated board committees.

How are responsibilities distributed?
The board regulates the financial, economic and legal affairs of the school.
Pedagogical issues, the concept and structure of the school and budgetary and personnel decisions are decided in consultation with the Headmaster, taking into account the guidelines issued by the German Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) and the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the federal states (KMK). The Head teacher is responsible for teaching, pedagogical matters and school representation.
Find out more!
Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the federal states (KMK)
The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) is the oldest conference of ministers in Germany and plays a significant role as an instrument for the coordination and development of education in the country. It is a consortium of ministers responsible for education and schooling, institutes of higher education and research and cultural affairs, and in this capacity formulates the joint interests and objectives of all 16 federal states.
German Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA)
The ZfA (Central Agency for Schools Abroad) regulates the secondment of teachers from the Federal Republic of Germany and the annual school grant for schools abroad. The ZfA sends so-called regional representatives as inspectors to the schools abroad in a region. It is a subdivision of the BVA (Federal Office of Administration).
Articles of Association of German School Association Ltd.
Join the School Association
Actively contribute your ideas and expertise to the school community and help shape our school! As a member of the school association, you have the right to vote at the annual general meeting and thus decide on the composition of the board and vote on motions.
If you would like to join the school association, please transfer £25 to the following account:
HSBC Bank, Account Number 21594419, Bank Code 40-26-12.
Please state the name of the member + GSA as a reference when making the transfer. Membership of the school association is open to all parents, children cannot join the association. Membership is personal and does not apply to the family. If you have any questions regarding payment of the membership fee, please contact Ingrid Renshawe ( If you would like to actively participate in one of the school association's committees, please contact our Commercial Director Matthias Krauss (

Ingrid Renshawe
PA to Head Teacher, Commercial Director, Board
Matthias Krauss
Representative of the Board, Commercial Director, Member of all Committees